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Free Annual Sales Calendar

You make what you wish for yourself come true when you consciously start fulfilling that wish.


The law of attraction

As an independent entrepreneur, we are mainly focused on providing services and meeting customers' needs. Logical, after all, that is the goal of our company. But often we forget ourselves and our own needs within our own company. What amount do you need per month to realize the life you dream of?

It has been scientifically proven that when we write down our goals and speak them out loud, we are more likely to actually achieve our goals. The law of attraction applies here. What we pay attention to always yields something.

Big companies do it too! Per year, per quarter and even per individual sales employee. A 'target' motivates us to take that extra step to achieve our goals. Are you a bit performance oriented? Then a little competition with yourself can be incredibly challenging.

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Generating turnover: What salary do you want for yourself?

Write down your wish, determine a strategy and give it the attention it needs.

The Turnover Annual Calendar for self-employed entrepreneurs helps you with this. It is a simple tool that increases your awareness. It helps you set goals and it motivates you to achieve those goals. At the beginning of each month you write down your desired salary and calculate how much you need to convert per day to achieve your financial goal for that month. Enter all sources of income that you use within your business concept. There is room for 5 different sources of income on the monthly calendar. And keep track of what you have converted per day per source of income. At the end of the month you have a nice overview of your turnover and where that turnover comes from.

This information helps you become aware of opportunities within your company and determine a strategy to increase your turnover even smarter in the following months.

For example, where do you leave money? Is it the number of hours worked? Or is the average spend per customer too low? And which source of income has not generated the desired turnover?


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